AP Police Saved A Mother & 13 m Dauter: Disha App: DGP GauthamSawang Uplauded

The Incident took Place in Vijayawada,

Aug 26, 2021 - 20:51
AP Police Saved A Mother & 13 m Dauter: Disha App: DGP GauthamSawang Uplauded

DishaApp saves a suicidal mother & her 13 months old daughter: DGP Gautam Sawang IPS appreciates @VjaCityPolice for their devotion to duty & swift response time in saving a mother & her 13 months daughter

when she tried to take her own life by drinking poison. A young mother triggered the #DishaSOS to request #APPolice to care for her 13-month-old daughter as she was going to drink unknown poison & try to die by suicide as she was feeling humiliated about being cheated in the pretext of love and was unable to face the society.

Quickly tracing her location using her phone number, nearby night beat staff were deployed. Reaching the #unconscious body within 10 mins, they immediately transferred her to a #hospital where she was saved. A case was registered & an investigation is underway.


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