Simple Garlic Trick to Clear Clogged Arteries & Lower High Blood Pressure - Dr Alan Mandell, DC

Mar 2, 2021 - 11:49

By Dr. Mandel,

Garlic has amazing healing medicinal properties for our body, garlic builds our immune system, garlic helps our cardiovascular system, it decreases inflammation prevents clogging in those arteries,  to keep those arteries flowing smoothly,  it lowers cholesterol, lowering the bad cholesterol and raising the good cholesterol. and what about sugar it actually helps balance our glucose levels within our bloodstream. cholesterol is vital to our body and it's the main component of our cell membranes. it produces your hormones throughout your body, although stress and excessive sugars lead to too much inflammation.

It's that inflammation in the arteries to where the damage occurs and that's when the fatty deposits in excess of minerals start to become laid down causing that plaquing but when your arteries are open it's so much easier for your heart to pump its blood through the bloodstream because there's no resistance so as plaquing is removed from your arteries. your blood pressure is going to go down there is nothing like fresh garlic,  but there is one thing that we must do for our body to get those healing medicinal benefits so those arteries can start to clear and that, blood pressure can start to come down and that is to chop your garlic first and wait for 5 to 10 minutes before you do anything with it, so if you're consuming and cooking your garlic right away your garlic won't live up to its full protection and that is because, when you chop and crush your garlic the enzyme a Leonis converts a lien into Allisyn it's the Allisyn that's responsible that aroma fresh garlic and when that Allison is generated it's unstable it changes into a series of sulfur-containing compounds such as Dayal disulfide it is that Allison within the garlic that is the powerhouse and that's what's going to give you the anti-inflammatory properties to heal your body there's nothing like raw garlic that's what's going to give you the cardiovascular boost within your system you'll notice that when you smell that bulb of garlic or even when you peel those cloves and put it to your nose it doesn't smell but once you start to grind or chop that garlic that chemical reaction takes place giving you that sulfur strong smell

so you're probably thinking, what if I cook my garlic, am I going to get that therapeutic value from my arteries you will get some but I prefer that if you're going to cook any garlic make sure you leave it out for five to 10 minutes so that Allison has formed and then put it in the heat towards the end of your cooking.

the less heat that your garlic has received the fewer enzymes are going to be destroyed so when you cook your garlic whole it's still going to give you a pleasant taste but that aroma is going to be much different as compared to when it's chopped up that Allison can do miracles for your cardiovascular system please share this video with your friends and family leave your comments below and most important make it a great day I'm dr. Alan Mandel English (auto-generated).

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