Taliban News | Shocking Taliban Video: Do Champions Of Islam Endorse This? | The Right Stand

Source and Ebbed link from: CNN-News18 youtube

Aug 16, 2021 - 15:35

#TalibanNightmare | Shocking Taliban Video: Do Champions Of Islam Endorse This?

The Taliban has demanded that Afghans marry off their underage daughters into sex slavery to the group’s fighters. A statement from the Taliban also demands that widows under the age of 45 must also be offered in marriage to the militants. All clerics and community leaders in the captured areas have reportedly been instructed to create lists of girls. Recently Taliban have made full face covering mandatory for women and said that wearing Hijab would not be enough. The daughter of Afghanistan's ambassador to Pakistan, Najibullah Alikhil, was released after being kidnapped. The Afghan government has confirmed this.

The medical report also confirms torture with the daughter. The Afghan Foreign Ministry said in a statement that on 16 July 2021, the daughter of the Afghan ambassador in Islamabad was abducted for several hours and severely tortured by unidentified persons. Women have taken up guns in northern and central Afghanistan in a show of rebellion against Talibans.

Hundreds of women took to the streets, waved guns and chanted anti-Taliban slogans. One of the biggest demonstrations was held in central Ghor province in Afghanistan. Many women were reportedly even willing to go to the battlefields to fight. The demonstration indicates how frightened women are about what the Taliban rule could mean for them.

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