The Twelve Regulations of Todar Mal

Sep 4, 2021 - 20:15
Sep 4, 2021 - 20:16

The Twelve Regulations of Todar Mal set a standard for future administrators to follow. There were many problems that came with the Dahsala system and other revenue systems which were present at the time. The Twelve Regulations help to overcome the difficulties faced and showed how the revenue system had to be followed.

The Twelve Regulations were based on the organisational structure, procedure of measure, unit of assessment, method of collection. loan, relief and the working of the central revenue department.

The Regulations about the organisational structure would mention how to overcome the problems faced with the officers in charge of the revenue system. It also states if the changes which need to take place in each position.

The Regulations about the procedure of measure states how the land would be measured and which method would be used to measure the different types of land. The Regulations about the unit of assessment ensures that assessment is done in a way where it is a less time-consuming and laborious process.

The Regulations about the method of collection states that the ideal method of collection is that the cultivators deposit the revenue and obtain the receipt. This would get rid of any intermediaries.

Therefore, to ensure this method is being effective the collector provides a due date to provide their revenue if not the collector would come and collect the revenue from the cultivator. However, if the treasurer fails to provide the receipt or the cultivator fails to obtain the receipt the fault would be on the collector.

The Regulations also mentions different payment methods such as progressive payment methods. The Twelve Regulations of Todar mals was used as a standard a century after to create new regulations by Aurangzeb.

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