IIT Kanpur invites application for the position Assistant Project Manager: 2021 july- Aug.

Jul 16, 2021 - 14:05
Jul 16, 2021 - 15:31
IIT Kanpur invites application for the position Assistant Project Manager: 2021 july- Aug.

IIT Kanpur - Job Details

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Date of posting: 15 Jul 21

Advertisement Number: PRect/IP/DOAD/2021/21

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IIT Kanpur) invites applications for the position of Assistant Project Manager
No. of positions: 01
Consolidated Pay: 13200-1100-33000
Essential Qualification: Post Graduate (MBA/ MCA/ M.Com./ M.Sc./ M.A.) Or Graduate (B.Sc./ B.A./ B.Com. BBA/ BCA/ LLB) + 3 years of relevant experience.
Job description: The project work will primarily involve Handling Project management software for up to date information of Tenders, Contract Extension, Estimates etc. Maintaining up to date database files of all DOIP forms, requests, communications etc. Maintaining project tracking sheets. Good knowledge of office automation. Institute Space audit and physical verifications. Office work as required by Office in-Charge.
Desirable Qualifications: Diploma in Computer, Good knowledge in Commerce (preferably M.Com), Knowledge of record-keeping and Office Automation, Hands-on experience in MS Office. Good communication skills and teamwork. Relevant experience of 4 years or more.

Job Summary

Job Type : Full Time
Job Role : Research/JRF/SRF
Job Category : Govt Jobs , MBA, Research, BSc/BCA/BBM, 1 to 3 Yr Exp
Hiring Process : Face to Face Interview
Who can apply : Experienced (3 to 3+ yrs)
State : Uttar Pradesh
Country : India

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