significance of mother in vedas and Quotes on mother from Vedas - Santhosh Kumar Athaluri

May 9, 2023 - 09:23
significance of mother in vedas and Quotes on mother from Vedas - Santhosh Kumar Athaluri

Mothers have a significant place in Hinduism, which is reflected in the Vedas, the oldest sacred texts of the religion. In Hinduism, a mother is considered to be the embodiment of God and is often referred to as "Mata" or "Devi," meaning divine mother.

The Vedas contain several verses that praise and honor mothers. For instance, the Atharva Veda, one of the four Vedas, states that "Mother is the first teacher of the child, the first guru of the family, and the first goddess of the home.

" The Rig Veda also contains several hymns dedicated to mothers, which emphasize the importance of honoring and respecting them. In Hinduism, the role of a mother is considered to be crucial in the spiritual and moral upbringing of a child.

A mother is believed to be the one who instills values such as love, compassion, and kindness in a child, and she is seen as a guiding force that helps the child to attain spiritual enlightenment.

Furthermore, mothers are considered to be the manifestation of the divine feminine energy, which is known as Shakti.

This energy is believed to be the source of creation and is worshipped as the mother of the universe.

In conclusion, the Vedas recognize the significance of mothers in Hinduism and consider them to be divine beings who deserve respect, love, and admiration. Mothers are seen as the first and most important teachers of a child, and their role in nurturing and guiding their children is considered to be of utmost importance.

In addition to the Vedas, there are several other Hindu texts that highlight the importance of mothers. For example, the Puranas, which are a collection of ancient texts that tell the stories of various Hindu deities, contain numerous stories that depict the love and devotion of mothers.

One such story is the tale of Goddess Parvati, who is the consort of Lord Shiva. According to the story, Parvati was so devoted to her son, Lord Ganesha, that she would do anything to protect him. This love and devotion are considered to be the epitome of maternal love in Hinduism.

Another Hindu text that emphasizes the importance of mothers is the Ramayana, an ancient epic that tells the story of Lord Rama and his quest to rescue his wife Sita from the demon king Ravana.

In the Ramayana, Lord Rama's mother, Queen Kausalya, is portrayed as a wise and loving mother who always provides guidance and support to her son.

Furthermore, in Hinduism, the concept of "maathru devo bhava" is widely respected, which means "mother is equivalent to God." This philosophy emphasizes the importance of respecting and honouring mothers as they are believed to embody the divine mother, who is the source of all creation and sustenance.

Overall, mothers have a significant place in Hinduism, and their love and devotion are considered to be invaluable. Mothers are seen as a source of spiritual and moral guidance, and their role in shaping the lives of their children is highly respected and revered.

The verse about mother from Vedas :-

There are several verses in the Vedas that praise and honor mothers. Here are a few examples:

"Maatru devo bhava, pithru devo bhava, acharya devo bhava, atithi devo bhava" - This verse from the Taittiriya Upanishad means "May your mother be your God, may your father be your God, may your teacher be your God, may your guest be your God." This verse emphasizes the importance of respecting and honouring one's parents, particularly the mother.

"Janani janmabhumishcha swargadapi gariyasi" - This verse from the Bhoomi Sukta of the Atharva Veda means "Mother and motherland are greater than heaven." This verse emphasizes the importance of one's mother and homeland, which are considered to be the most important aspects of one's life.

"Maatru devo bhava, pithru devo bhava" - This verse from the Taittiriya Upanishad means "May your mother be your God, may your father be your God." This verse emphasizes the importance of treating one's parents with respect and honor, and considering them to be equivalent to God.

"Agnaye swaha, pitaye swaha, swadha mataye swaha" - This verse from the Rig Veda means "I offer this oblation to Agni, I offer this oblation to my father, I offer this oblation to my mother." This verse highlights the importance of mothers in Vedic culture and considers offering oblation to them as a part of religious practice.

These are just a few examples of the numerous verses in the Vedas that emphasize the importance of mothers and their place in Hindu culture.

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