International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists

Nov 3, 2021 - 04:26

Between 2006 and 2020, over 1,200 journalists have been killed around the world, with close to 9 out of 10 cases of these killings remaining judicially unresolved, according to the UNESCO observatory of killed journalists. Impunity leads to more killings and is often a symptom of worsening conflict and the breakdown of law and judicial systems.

UNESCO is concerned that impunity damages whole societies by covering up serious human rights abuses, corruption, and crime. Governments, civil society, the media, and everyone concerned to uphold the rule of law are being asked to join in the global efforts to end impunity.

It is in recognition of the far-reaching consequences of impunity, especially of crimes against journalists, that the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution A/RES/68/163(link is external) at its 68th session in 2013 which proclaimed 2 November as the ‘International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists (IDEI).

The Resolution urged the Member States to implement definite measures countering the present culture of impunity. The date was chosen in commemoration of the assassination of two French journalists in Mali on 2 November 2013.

"Journalists are essential to preserving the fundamental right to freedom of expression, set out in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. When attacks against journalists go unpunished, the legal system and safety frameworks have failed everyone."

— Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO
on the occasion of the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists 2021

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