Santhosh Kumar Athaluri

Santhosh Kumar Athaluri

Last seen: 7 days ago

Member since Sep 22, 2020

Every thing you need to know about Mekathoti Sucharita

Mekatoti Sucharita is an Indian politician from the state of Andhra Pradesh. She...

Zoonotic Diseases Shared Between Animals

What does it mean if a virus is zoonotic? A zoonosis is an infectious disease t...

DSP Shilpa Sahu - Duty first Self Next

The picture is of Dantewada DSP Shilpa Sahu Shilpa is busy with her team in th...

Harphool Jat Julaniwala

Harphool Jaat:- Attacked Slaughterhouses, Released 1000s of Cows during Britis...


Launched in 2005 To attain a wild population of at least 3,000 greater one-horne...

Aluminium-ion battery

Why are aluminium batteries better than lithium? Today's lithium-ion batteries...

Every thing need to know ALUMINIUM AIR BATTERY Technology

It utilises oxygen in the air which reacts with an aluminium hydroxide solution ...

Internet is being confused to caption the Image By Police

But in the end - it's about the act of real-life celebrity .i.e. police act of K...