A Short note on Kali and Dasa Maha Vidyas - Anand Nath ji Aughar

This Article writen by sri Anand Nath ji Aughar, Parama pujya sri sri sri Rajesh Nath ji Aghori

Feb 9, 2023 - 08:19
A Short note on Kali and Dasa Maha Vidyas - Anand Nath ji Aughar


Kali is a Hindu goddess, worshipped primarily in India and other countries where Hinduism is practised. She is associated with destruction, transformation, and liberation, and is often depicted as a fierce and powerful deity.

In Hinduism, Kali is considered one of the ten Mahavidyas, or great wisdom goddesses, and is associated with the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. In popular depictions, Kali is usually depicted as having four arms, a garland of human heads, and a skirt of human arms. She is also often shown holding a scimitar and a bowl made from a human skull.

Her fierce appearance is meant to symbolize her role as the destroyer of evil and ignorance, and her power to help her followers transcend the cycle of birth and death.

Despite her fearsome reputation, Kali is also considered a loving and compassionate deity, who is invoked for protection and blessings. To her devotees, she is seen as a powerful source of strength, and her worship is often accompanied by ecstatic rituals and offerings of food and flowers.

Dasa Mahavidya

Dasa Mahavidya is a group of ten Hindu goddesses in the Tantric tradition, who are considered to be aspects of the divine feminine. These goddesses are regarded as the embodiment of wisdom and are considered to be the source of spiritual knowledge and enlightenment. They are each associated with different aspects of the universe and human experience and are worshipped for specific benefits and blessings.

The ten Mahavidyas are:

  1. Kali: The goddess of destruction and transformation. She represents the power of time and is associated with death and rebirth.
  2. Tara: The goddess of compassion and protection. She is associated with the ability to overcome obstacles and provide blessings to her devotees.
  3. Tripura Sundari: The goddess of beauty and grace. She is associated with the attainment of material and spiritual wealth.
  4. Bhuvaneshvari: The goddess of the earth and all material creation. She is associated with prosperity and abundance.
  5. Chhinnamasta: The goddess of self-sacrifice and transformation. She is associated with the power of the life force and the release of the soul from the cycle of birth and death.
  6. Bhairavi: The goddess of power and energy. She is associated with the control of the life force and the power to destroy obstacles.
  7. Dhumavati: The goddess of emptiness and void. She is associated with the power of detachment and the release of the soul from material desires.
  8. Bagalamukhi: The goddess of speech and knowledge. She is associated with the power of the spoken word and the ability to control the mind.
  9. Matangi: The goddess of music and the arts. She is associated with the power of sound and the ability to bring joy and happiness.
  10. Kamalatmika: The goddess of beauty and prosperity. She is associated with the power of material wealth and the attainment of material desires.

The worship of the Dasa Mahavidyas is considered to be a powerful means of attaining spiritual knowledge and liberation and is often associated with Tantric rituals and meditation practices. The ten goddesses are each considered to be aspects of the ultimate divine feminine, and their worship is seen as a path to the ultimate realization of the self and union with the divine. 

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